Wednesday, May 14, 2008

These are not your average Cupcakes!

These are cupcakes I made for my co-workers daughters bridal Shower. I volunteered to make these but little did they know what THEY were getting into. These are the first real cupcakes I have ever made and frosted. I am not a baker as you will see from the pictures I will be posting. The oil I used says, "Best before 2006" and the frosting I used says, "Use before May 2007". Let me just remind everyone it is now May 2008. I am pretty sure I have had that frosting since my sister got married (she is now divorced and almost engaged to another guy). And, the oil has been with me since I was single (I now have two kids).
I seriously can't believe I am actually going to give these to my co-worker to have at her daughter's shower.
To make me feel better, I only work one day a week and I don't know the co-worker that well. But, I do know some of the people who will be eating the cupcakes. Who knows what that stuff does to a body with those type of dates on it???
I just need to stop thinking about it and pretend like it's a fine wine and just hope it gets better with age.


  1. stumbled across your blog hitting the next blog button and I must say, this post is hilarious! I hope everyone survived! lol.

  2. Good to know someone reads what I write :)

  3. Chanel, i will definitely be reading your blog. . . you are hilarious! Thanks for letting the kids play in your yard. Brenda

  4. Brenda,

    I promise I don't use old stuff on neighbors :). I don't want you to be afraid of my baking. I'll have to show you all the dates before I give you desserts.

    I love having the kids play. It makes Lake's day!!!

  5. Seriously...this is HILARIOUS, Chanel. My husband kept asking, "What's so funny!?"
